Tim Kelly, Aeronautical Engineer and Industry Body Director of Manufacturing Excellence Forum Sunshine Coast (MEFSC) has played a vital role in supporting the development of the Talent Accelerate program. Working closely with the Groei team, MEFSC’s primary focus has been to help connect the program with industry. 

As an aeronautical engineer with over 20 years of experience working on projects like the F-35, 787, and A350 across several countries, Tim is extremely passionate about building Australia’s advanced manufacturing capability by fostering connections between education and industry. This includes working on initiatives like the eVTOL student program, which aims to inspire and train the next generation of manufacturing professionals. 

“Ensuring businesses have access to the talent they need and that students are introduced to meaningful career opportunities in manufacturing is vital,” says Tim. “By leveraging our relationships within the advanced manufacturing sector, we aim to strengthen the connection between education and industry for the program’s success.” 

As the program rolls out and we begin to see the positive impacts this has on both businesses and young people, Tim is excited to see how Talent Accelerate helps local manufacturers access the skilled workforce they need to grow. 

“By supporting Groei’s efforts, we hope to create stronger connections between businesses and students, ensuring top talent remains here on the Sunshine Coast. The additional training and support provided to both businesses and students is a critical element in making this a win-win for all involved,” says Tim. 

“Our ultimate goal is to see local manufacturing businesses grow and succeed, as their success underpins the long-term prosperity of our region. Personally, I hope to see greater recognition of the vital role manufacturing plays in our economy. Professionally, I want to see more students and businesses thrive because of this program, helping to build a stronger and more connected manufacturing ecosystem on the Sunshine Coast.” 

As the skills gap broadens, programs such as Talent Accelerate become a critical piece of the puzzle. The advanced manufacturing industry has been significantly shaped by trends in digital transformation, sustainability, automation, and AI tools. Robotics have also become increasingly prominent in the sector. 

“Businesses are facing a critical need to address the skills gaps in this space,” says Tim. “Ensuring that they have access to a workforce capable of meeting these evolving needs and demands is paramount for long-term success.” 

Over time, the landscape has changed, and the skills needed to fill positions in this industry have also evolved. There is no denying that the pace at which change has occurred, and continues to occur, is rapid, resulting in a demand for both technical skills and soft skills. 

“Businesses are looking for technical skills like CAD/CAM expertise, proficiency with digital tools, and knowledge of advanced materials such as composites,” says Tim. “However, just as important are soft skills like problem-solving, teamwork, and adaptability, qualities that allow employees to effectively integrate into dynamic and innovative work environments.” 

“Programs like Talent Accelerate, led by Groei, are essential because they address two key challenges: helping businesses find skilled employees and ensuring students are prepared for meaningful careers. By connecting education with industry and providing tailored training and support, the program helps to bridge the skills gap and ensures the long-term success of both businesses and the workforce.” 

Regions such as Bundaberg and the Sunshine Coast prosper when strong connections and relationships form between the education sector and industry. These connections lay the foundation for future growth, aligning industry needs with employment opportunities and ensuring long-term planning for both sectors. 

“It’s been inspiring to see the enthusiasm and collaboration fostered by the program. A highlight for me has been witnessing the connections formed between students and local businesses. These relationships have the potential to transform the future of manufacturing on the Sunshine Coast, and it’s rewarding to play a supporting role in helping those connections come to life,” Tim says. 

Groei Education are proud to partner with Tim and the Manufacturing Excellence Forum Sunshine Coast (MEFSC) in the Talent Accelerate program. Their support has played a critical role in its development, working closely with the team and providing essential connections to industry. We are excited to see the opportunities that will emerge for both industry and employment prospects in the region. 

Find out more about Talent Accelerate here

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